Sunday 24 October 2010

The dog ate my homework...and I er, left it on a bus

Ok, I hold my hands up I have been crap of late with this here blog.

Reasons, excuses; call it what you will but since I last blogged the following things have prevented me updating this:

1) that great new job I was bragging about went t*ts up after 8 days so I had to find a new one.

2) I found a better job instead but it took me 6 weeks

3) Aforementioned better job took me to Deutschland for my first week

4) I moved house! yes I did

5) I had to put house together (er, well I didn't have to build it, per se, but you understand)

6) Sky Internet are shite

7) BT Internet are even more shite

8) My hands got chopped off number 8 is a fabrication...

Watch this space, I WILL be back. Indeed I will.