Yesterday I passed an exam which means I am (almost) a qualified Fitness Instructor. I was very nervous and didn't expect to pass it first time but I did, yahoo! Without wanting to sound all "X Factoresque" this was hugely important to me and I have been on an incredible journey (feel free to pass yourself a sick bucket...)
Fitness and exercise is a major part of my life but it wasn't always that way... I was an overweight child who was teased and bullied for this from roughly the age of 6-13 and obviously I was crap at anything sporty. I never even tried to ride a bike! Apart from the odd bit of swimming I didn't do anything active and if I did I usually used to get laughed at for my rubbishness. I still get the sweats in the presence of skipping ropes after a particularly disastrous sports day at infant school.
My Mum frequently wrote me notes to get out of P.E as she too had hated P.E as a child so much so she learnt the violin at grammar school so she didn't have to participate! Believe me if there'd been that option at my school I would've done that too. On the rare occasions I bothered to do P.E I was always picked last or told off for not trying hard enough, no I am trying I am just bloody useless at it!
The irony is never lost on me about my 'transformation' and I would actually love to bump into my old P.E teachers and tell then what I'm up to!
I expect I will do some more blogs about all the other issues that are related to this: diets, eating disorders, body image etc but this is just a taster for the moment!
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