Sunday, 25 April 2010

C'mon over to my place, hey you! we're having a Wimpy?

Much excitement last week where I live as Wimpy opened its' doors after an absence of approximately 25 years. Yes the original burger joint is back! I dare say I won't be visiting for a number of reasons: Firstly, I'm a vegetarian; yes they do a beanburger but it's loaded with fat and that brings me to the next point. Secondly, I try and eat healthily and haven't frequented burger bars for about the last 5 years (much to husband's disapproval) and lastly, I fear if I did all my lovely Wimpy inspired childhood memories would be shattered... let me explain...

When I was a child a trip to the burger bar (why bar?) was restricted to a once a year treat and was very much looked forward to. I really wish that today's parents took this stance also and then perhaps there wouldn't be so much of a problem with childhood obesity. But I digress.

The annual Woolgar family trip to the Wimpy bar in town coincided with Christmas late night shopping (a Thursday as I recall) and usually a trip to the local theatre to see whatever pantomime or play was on offer that year. The drill was always the same: I used to go upstairs to bag seats whilst Mum and Sis queued downstairs to get the grub. My order was always the same: cheeseburger, chips and a coke (fizzy drinks were also restricted in our house to Christmas, birthdays and holidays!). Mum and Sis opted for milkshakes I recall. The wait upstairs seemed to last an eternity until Mum appeared wielding the tray that was laden down with trans-fat rich treats. I also seem to recall that the reason we sat upstairs was because downstairs was smoking, which even though we're only 3 or 4 years into the smoking ban this seems horribly outdated.

The fact that the trips were rationed meant that every mouthful was heavenly and the trip was very much looked forward to (well at least by me, I was a little fatty remember!) it's why it pains me these days to see kids (and adults) shovelling in great fistfuls of chips and mouthfuls of burger washed down with a cola the size of your head usually just as a snack and not even a meal!

The only time the 'once a year' rule was flouted was if we visited the Big Smoke in the school holidays to visit a museum and then the marvellous world of McDonalds became available to us small town folk. This brought with it a whole new gastronomic experience because the burgers had gherkins in! gherkins! we felt like Egon Ronay. The best bit was my fuss pot of a sister didn't even like gherkins so I got DOUBLE gherkins! result! Our town did not have a McDs until 1990 and now we have 3! I also remember a few lucky people having birthday parties at the Wimpy too so no doubt I was beside myself with excitement at this prospect. A party with burgers! whatever next.

In later years the Wimpy became the mighty Burger King in our town and my friend Karen and I used to go there to slurp milkshakes coquettishly whilst trying to pick up boys. And yes, we always made 'that noise' at the end of the drink and yes, it was always funny. The original Wimpy remained for quite some years down by the bus station but I never went in there, rumour had it you got cutlery! and waitress service! so it was very popular with the old folk for that reason.

I became a vegetarian in 1991 so hence my trips and enthusiasm for visiting burger bars waned somewhat. To this day I have never tried a Big Mac, chicken nuggets or even a quarter pounder. Have never had a KFC either but that's a whole new world of dirty fast food isn't it. I mistrust any food that comes from a bucket.

Oooh I couldn't half go a gherkin now...


  1. Bit weird, I was just thinking about Wimpy yesterday. There's 1 on Margate seafront. I even took a pic as I went past in a kind of "now you don;t see those anymore" kinda way.
    Here's the pic:
    Can't believe a NEW Wimpy has opened somewhere, I thought they were going the same way as Little Chef and Happy Eater - i.e. down the fizzer!

  2. Oooops! Forgot the pic
