Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Nostalgia IS what it used to be...

Last week my good friend Chris and I went here:

I came across this place about a year ago when I was researching an Easter trip to London with my husband (total transport nightmare, me with a hideous hangover, the briefest of trips to the Natural History Museum; swiftly followed with the nullifying properties of beer and curry in Brick Lane).

Chris and I were trying to put together a day out to London doing stuff we hadn’t done before and we would both be interested in. He didn’t know of it either so we decided to give it a go. It’s situated in Notting Hill; which is part of London I am not familiar with other than that awful film with Hugh Grant in. We had a few false starts getting there and I did wonder if we were going to just give up and turn back.

Eventually we found it; situated next to a delightful Union Jack decorated Temperley shop. We entered with some trepidation. Hmmm, it all seemed a lot smaller than we envisaged. I feared we might be in and out in 5 or 10 minutes. But before long we were drawn in by an early exhibit of one of the holy grails in soft drink history… a can of Quatro! Mmmm Quatro…

And so it continued. Basically the lay out of the museum is chronological so that you finish with goods and packaging from the late ‘90s. And you start with all manner of weird and wonderful goods you didn’t even know of. Heinz kidney soup anyone?

Chris got misty eyed at the sight of a Star Wars yoghurt pot.

I dropped to my knees at the sight of a Wonder Woman doll.

We both agreed on the hideousness of squeezy Primula cheese.

Spangles! But no Pacers! (boo!)

I was convinced the revolving alco-pops display was a paean to my ruin at University.

Well you get the drift. I can highly recommend it if, like me, you’re one of those people who likes to have endless conversations about chocolate bars that don’t exist anymore and old packaging of Quality Street, Pepsi etc floats your boat. Incidentally if you’ve travelled up to Londinium by train (well at least with South West trains) you can get half price entry with a leaflet/voucher from the train station and your train ticket. Bargain.

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