Some things you may, or may not, know about me:
1) I’m a ‘little bit’ Welsh and more passionate about that than being English.
2) 5 years ago I completed my Spanish GCSE as an evening course and got an A grade but have not yet been to mainland Spain to practice.
3) The large part that health and fitness plays in my life is quite hilarious considering I was a fat kid who was a coach potato until my early 20s.
4) I can not ride a bicycle. Actually I have never tried.
5) I was the co-collaborator of a Gary Lineker scrapbook in the early 1990s.
6) I can not resist pistachio ice cream.
7) I was recommended for an audition for popular 1980s game show ‘Child’s Play’ because apparently I was always saying “funny things” in class. I clammed up totally at said audition and it was definitely a case of don’t call us we’ll call you. Two kids from our school did I appear. I was jealous. If you’re too young to remember the programme :
8) I am the owner of a pseudo baby doll named Julio. It’s nothing to do with being broody. The story behind it is far more bizarre than that. He has his own Facebook page too. Although he can be quite slack with it.
9) I own around 75 pairs of footwear. I say ‘around’ because last time I counted it made me feel quite sick. There’s been a cull since then…but also several more purchases. Gah!
10) Food heaven involves hot curry, chips, bread & butter, pasta and chocolate. By contrast food hell features mac & cheese, mayonnaise, nearly all tinned fish, whole milk and capers.
11) I am a Feminist with half of my degree in Women’s Studies. Quite a lot of people are ‘Stealth Feminists’ without realising it…
12) I went to Iceland once (not the supermarket!) and was quite blown away by it.
13) Spiders and snakes don’t really bother me but woodlice and slugs do.
14) I am ‘quite good’ at accents leading me to think I can do great mimicry and impressions. I am probably wrong.
15) I have diagnosed myself as having slight dyspraxia after 5 failed driving test attempts largely due to manoeuvres. I now know why ball games and racquet sports at school were so dismal, why I suck at bowling and why I don’t enjoy the Wii.
16) Inspired by Miki from Lush I had gorgeous, bright red hair for a few days once…followed by candy floss pink/orange hair for a few months. Epic hair fail!
17) I like to indulge myself by watching films from my childhood like The Railway Children and Bugsy Malone. I have to draw the line at Mary Poppins and The Sound of Music though.
18) Totally loved planning my wedding in 2008 and am still a bit sad it’s all over!
19) Rather bizarrely I got chatted up and asked out by Bubble from the 2nd series of Big Brother. You can’t make these things up.
20) I have an irrational fear of Komodo dragons.
21) My Dad once got stopped for speeding and 'fessed up to the policeman that he was doing over the speed limit as needed to get to the local M&W store, before it closed, to procure some toilet roll as we had run out at home. Policeman was so amused he let him off.
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