Friday, 6 August 2010

Adventures in chairland...the chapter ends

Just a v.quick excuse for a post this week as I fear that there is SO much going on right now (when is there not...?) that I may get a bit behind with my 'one a week' commitment to blogging. I have got next week off but ... there has been a significant development with the move and it looks like we will be moving house in just under two weeks. Same week I start the new job. So I think the next few weeks are going to be a bit hectic whilst I try and declutter 10 years of crap from my house. It's the kitchen cupboards tomorrow (there's a tin of BEAR in there, of all things) and today a huge bag of clothes was left out for the NSPCC. Although to be fair, a sack of clothing cleared out of my wardrobe is about as effective as chucking a deckchair off the Titanic. But still.

So, just under two hours to go at 'the job'. 'The job' that got me out of a hole after not working for six months (halcyon days full of endless trips to the gym and Starbucks, oh yes and the Job Centre.) but 'The job' that has also threatened by mental health somewhat the last few months as I felt increasingly stuck in somewhat of a career cul-de-sac. I have scored a bottle of Moet and a posh plant for the new gaff.

And so back to publishing. During my 18 month hiatus from publishing I have questioned whether I really wanted to go back into it, or if I was just clinging to it because it's all I've ever known/done since University. During my interview at the new place I realised how enthusiastic (geeky?) and animated I became as I talked about publishing, book shops, selling cycles, retailers vs wholesalers etc and also how right it felt to be surrounded again by books in display units, dump bins and, even better, spilling out of crammed bookshelves. I felt like I'd come home.

No doubt I will blog about it so watch this space...

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