Monday, 21 March 2011


I’ve been caffeine free for just over a week now! So, how’s it been going? Well, a bit of a mixed bag to be honest... The first day was so-so. Granted I was quite tired but put this down to the excesses of the previous weekend and with it being a Monday and all. Still, I struggled through and tried to embrace the rooibos tea. Had forgotten that while the taste is passable the aroma is questionable. But I made it through and did my evening gym session without incident.

Then Tuesday rolled around. Getting up early for the gym was no harder or easier than it normally was. I made it to work. I drank the rooibos and fought very hard with my drowsiness. And then mid-morning the headache struck. Boom! And Doom! By mid-afternoon I was zombie like and really struggling at my desk. My Moroccan mint and spice tea was a let down. I did have a couple of hours window in the evening when I did feel quite alert between about 7 and 9.30.

Day three. Up early to run. Again getting up posed no great problem and my post run breakfast of a boiled egg and toast actually seemed to have a marvellous affinity with rooibos. Agitated and fumbly just before I left for work, but this is the norm when I am running late and can’t find things. Again the headache struck about the same time and the tiredness. I tried to get by with hot water and lemon. Damn the cup from the vending machine smeared in coffee grounds just to taunt me! Procured some Berocca at lunchtime with trepidation. Wasn’t bad really, tasted like Lilt! God knows how much sugar is in it…Bring me my treadmill!

Habitually I get a GIANT coffee to drink at ‘gym school’ on Wednesday night. I stood in the doorway of Costa to see what variety of teas they did (I actually fancied a rooibos!) but the list did not excite me and the heady, seductive aroma of coffee was starting to get to me so I bolted! Managed to get some lemon and ginger tea at The Sports Centre which I really, really enjoyed. I was gratified that I actually had some in the kitchen cupboard which must’ve been half-inched from a hotel at some point ‘just in case’.

By day four things got better. The headaches and drowsiness passed and I did an amazing gym sesh which lead me buzzing and not needing any stimulants.

Friday provided fresh challenges with a work night out for cocktails. I told a few colleagues to make sure I did not order cocktails with coke in. The cocktails were lethal as was the shot of absinthe and soon all semblance of law and order seemed to go out of the window. Bumped into some people I knew in another bar who insisted on buying me more drinks and when asked what I wanted the stipulation for ‘no Coke!’ must’ve been lost in translation and twice drinks with Coke as a mixer were proffered. Twice I had to take a few polite sips – FAILURE! – and then even worse, abandon the drink on the sidelines for someone else to cadge.

Hungover and tired with lots to do over the weekend I had to stick to the rooibos and herbal stuff rather than the pints of coffee I usually imbibe. Again I adjusted and to be honest didn’t really think about it too much. So, a week into the experiment I have gone to show that I don’t actually need caffeine as my get up and go. I seem to cope without it. In fact on a few occasions I’ve been much more alert in the mornings than usual. Next week I may start to phase in a bit of decaff as a treat. I think I have 5 weeks to go and do you know what, I think I’ll be okay…

So, it’s not the caffeine that makes me nuts… turns out, well, that’s just me!

Sunday, 6 March 2011

What was I thinking...?!

A few weeks ago the two girls I sit opposite at work brought up the fact they both gave up chocolate for Lent last year. They were pondering whether to repeat the exercise this year. I have never done 'the Lent thing'; mainly because I am not of the religious persuasion and mainly because I believe in everything in moderation. The Lent idea came up again and so, regretfully, I said that whilst I did have a bit of chocolate every day (like a couple of squares, never, I repeat never, a whole bar) I didn't feel it was something I needed to give up. So instead I have said I'll do caffeine.

I mean, it can't be that hard right? I barely drink my once beloved Diet Coke anymore so that's easy. Do I drink a lot of tea and I don't think that I do, but everyone seems to think I have issues with caffeine! I drink, on average, 3 cups of tea a day and maybe 1 coffee. That's nothing... isn't it? What I am aware of is that I do use it instead of eating. Like yesterday, I ate a late (big) breakfast at around 11 and then ate nothing until about 8pm instead I had two lattes in Starbucks with a friend. Yes I suppose there is something skewed about finishing a session at they gym and then mainlining a (skinny) cappuccino or stifling a mid morning hunger pang with a revolting machine coffee in an uncouth plastic beaker.

Also, when one of the PTs at the gym checked my food diary all the teas and coffees got the pink highlighter treatment. Again, I still don't feel I have issues with caffeine but at the same time I will be interested to see what happens when I withdraw from it. Have stocked up on Rooibos tea today and must keep reminding the man of the experiment.

I have had to delay my period of abstinence until next Monday though and not this week. Reason being, I am off to visit a Uni friend next weekend and I suspect drinking some lovely, fresh brewed Fairtrade coffee will be a feature of the weekend.

I can do it... right?